There are a shocking number of construction clients who have been left confused by the advice given from their current broker when it comes to differentiating between a Labour Only Sub Contractor and a Bonafide Sub Contractor.  

Not knowing the difference can lead to incorrect cover being arranged, fines, penalties, and the risk that your claim won’t be paid. Here’s our handy list to give you the clarity to get it right, every time.  

Labour-only Subcontractors (LOSC)

You supply them with PPE, materials, tools and anything else required 

You provide training, toolbox talks 

They follow your RAMS 

They are required to follow your Health & Safety Procedures 

They work under your Direction, Supervision and Control 

Bona-fide Subcontractors (BFSC)

They supply their own kit, tools and PPE 

They provide their own RAMS and follow their own H&S procedures 

They complete their works under their own Direction Supervision and Control 

They are responsible for all workers that they supply 

They will quote for the works and provide a bill for these upon completion