With material and labour costs at an all-time high in the Construction Industry, there has never been a better time to consider whether your Contract Works Insurance is fit for the job in hand.
Whilst many building & contents policies include “Day One Uplifts” for sums insured, giving some protection against inflation, the majority of Contract Works Policies do not. With one of our exclusive markets we take the calculation headache away, including an automatic increase of up to 25% of the limit of liability stated in the schedule, during the period of insurance. Whilst this is in no way a buffer for being underinsured, it does give peace of mind during these uncertain times.
We also understand that delays cost you serious money! By including Expediting Expenses to avoid delays in completion of contract works (following damage), you can get the job done and move onto the next, keeping cash flow, and your business thriving. With generous limits for Materials Storage anywhere within the UK, our policy allows you to buy when the price is low, store securely until needed and ultimately protect your carefully calculated profit margin.
These seemingly small things make a big difference. We are passionate about building Construction Insurance the right way – get in touch for a free review of your current coverage, it’s seriously on us!