From the First Notification of Loss through to settlement, we are here.
Any claim can be disruptive with major losses causing a significant threat to your business if the correct cover isn’t in place.
Our 360 degree philosophy is to ensure from the start of our relationship that your cover will respond when you need it the most, alleviating the risk of claims being declined or repudiated. When a claim occurs, we are here every step of the way to ensure swift and fair settlement, with pro-active support and guidance throughout.
Report Claims instantly using your QR Code to provide us with:
Real time capture of vital information allowing us to deal instantly and control Third Party Costs from the outset.
Saving you time and reducing your internal administration costs.
Centricity partner with Pinnacle Loss Assessors to provide you with your own dedicated Loss Assessor should you suffer a high severity or complex loss. Working with you, providing robust support and advice to simplify the process and ensure timely and fair settlements are achieved.
Sometimes things just go wrong! We are here 24/7 when you need us the most. With a range of claims reporting methods, our team are on hand to guide you through from first notification to settlement.
Make a claimWith a 24 Hour Response line, we are here when you really need us.
For any new claims or for emergency assistance outside of the standard 9-5 please call your Account Manager or our 24/7 Claims Management Partners: